WordPress for VR: Datavized Simplifies Virtual Reality

WorPress, Virtual Reality, Datavized,

Using the web as a primary platform for VR may provide limitless possibilities of access to almost everyone. That is why a devoted team aims to make virtual reality accessible to a wider audience by producing the same experiences even without the use of VR headsets through aproject which called ‘WordPress for VR.’

WordPress for VR

The founders of Datavized — CEO Hugh McGory, chief technology officer Brian Chirls and chief strategy officer Debra Anderson — are working to make the future of VR open and easy. With their platform ‘WordPress for VR’, VR becomes simpler by dragging and dropping to a scene of your choice.

Datavized was put up in 2015 and was initially a production studio focused on virtual reality and 360-video. However, the company trudges a different path now since the founders felt they were making products only for rich people who could afford headsets and computers worth thousands of dollars. Right now, they aim to pave way for WordPress VR that will definitely produce the same scenes and excitement without too much cost since the web provides opportunities just like that.

WordPress for VR: A modified VR experience

Aside from making VR more ubiquitous, Datavized founders are making VR extend way past its current gaming base into something more useful and helpful. They have made different applications for different experiences in fields such as education, medicine, and business that would be of great help to people in their respective fields. For instance, the company has designed a VR tool to view medical experiments in 3D.

Another design principle Datavized has for WordPress for VR is that the founders do not neglect the fact that WiFi connection or different hardware may fail every once in awhile and not everyone has access to the internet. To address these unavoidable problems, they will provide pages that can be saved offline. Meaning, the company’s work will still be accessible regardless of any circumstance.

One advantage of VR on the web censorship. Today, VR apps are subject to the decision of the proprietary stores. This implies that companies have the ability to restrict the content of experiences upon their sensibilities. But on the web, there are no such restrictions.

New York City Government lauds WebVR

The Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment takes interest in what WebVR can do. They also chose Datavized do to a talk at an event in December 2016 in the city’s launch of virtual and augmented reality lab on advancement in technology.

Manhattan-based law firm Lowenstein Sandler’s also holds a program called FirstgrowthVC, where Datavized is participating in raising funds for the publishing of the platform. The founders aim for this to be available in a freemium model.

Today, the web offers endless opportunities to everyone and you want to take advantage of that. This is why Datavized founders planned a way on how to incorporate the web with Virtual Reality that has been making its name since the last quarter of 2016.

McGory has said the founders are big believers in the openness of the web and that in the near future, he envisions that the average person will have all the opportunity to create his own original VR scenes as easily as how one posts in social media.


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