How To Get a Higher Conversion Rate For Your WordPress Site

Upon creating your WordPress site, there would be three main goals in your mind: attract potential customers to view your site, persuade them to buy your items, and sustain that by increasing your conversion rate.

The conversion rate is the number of people who viewed your site and “converted” by purchasing your items. Your conversion rate is an important component to look over in your internet-based business because it measures your site’s profitability.

So, what are the things that you need to consider for you to have a higher conversion rate?

Website speed

You probably know how it feels like to wait for a certain site to load, and you know how easy it is to close the site if takes so much time just to load. Your target customers don’t have the patience to wait too. Keep in mind that if your site loads slow, there’s another website that’s already getting your customers because they got more speed than you do.

A site should load in under 2 seconds. If your website takes a second longer to load, its conversion rate is reduced by 7%. Your website’s speed is very important because it improves your customer’s experience. If your site loads fast, there’s a higher chance that they will explore longer to look for the products and services that they need.  For a faster speed, don’t over decorate your website especially if it’s not needed. Otherwise, get plugins to compress your files.

Option for registration and social logins

Letting your customers register in your website is not a bad idea but you should not force them. If you will provide registrations, make it as an option and make the registration process easy.

Having social logins for your site is not a bad idea too. With social logins, you can get information about your customers. The information that you’ll be able to gather can serve as your basis in formulating your marketing strategies.

Good product images

One effective way to attract web users is with the use of visuals. You are to get their attention so it’s given that you should provide high-quality images.

Good images show the value of your products to your customers. You can choose an appropriate WordPress theme for your business that allows you to upload many images of your products.  In providing visuals, you can show them different angles, features and allow zooming on various aspects to break their doubts regarding what they are buying. These let your customers know what your product looks like and if they are satisfied to see that they needed to see, they can purchase it right away.

Ratings and reviews

About 70% of customers consult reviews or ratings before buying a product.  Reviews from customers increase conversion rate by 74%. These reviews and ratings help customers in deciding what products to purchase and if you have good reviews and ratings, you get the edge.

You can also provide testimonials on your site. 

Email marketing

It’s an efficient method to get your customers back to purchase more of your products in boosting your sales volumes. Email marketing is a good way to keep your customers. This tactic allows your conversion rate to increase with the help of returning customers.

Email marketing can get you more subscribers. One way to grow your email list is by using WordPress plugins that facilitate email marketing.

Hassle-free payment gateways

E-commerce sites should have shopping carts and payment methods that are convenient for the customers. The payment gateway is an important element for business websites. If it causes inconvenience to the customers, or it takes so much time buffering and is designed poorly and unsecured, customers can leave in a jiffy.

You must provide several payment methods to increase your site’s conversion rate.  Sites with both credit card and PayPal payment methods increase their conversion rate by 30%. To improve the functionalities of your site’s shopping cart and payment, you can utilize WordPress platforms.


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